Help Potlatch Fund Raise $7 Million for our Resiliency Fund Grantees

Help Potlatch Fund Raise $7 Million for our Resiliency Fund Grantees  image



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We are fundraising to ensure Native families and communities thrive.

The pandemic continues to upend lives and communities while threatening vital work and programs, and there is no end in sight.

With your help we can raise the $7 million needed to fully fund the Resiliency Fund, including the grant applicants who still await their requested funding as well as the applicants who approach us daily with their plans and programs, their visions and dreams, for how to ensure the survival—and thriving—of Native families and communities.

We’ve heard from many of our relatives—the grassroots leaders providing advocacy, leadership, and mentorship in their communities while working to support Native youth and elders, artists, and language and culture keepers, and to preserve the environment. They are our Aunties, Uncles and Cousins, all driven by a common devotion to their tribal and urban Native communities.

And now, we ask for your continued help. Because what surprised us about the Resiliency Fund was just how many applications we received and how immense the need remains in Indian Country.

Thank you for your generous support.